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15 Blackwell Street
Barre, Vermont 05641
United States


Barre, Vermont with its rich history as the granite capitol of the world provides the backdrop for you to explore the work of sculptor Jerry Williams.


The creation of a sculptural project in granite can be a very straightforward, relatively simple process as follows.

  1. Approach: Sculptor and client discuss concept and design, as well as budget requirements and time frame of the project.
  2. The Handshake: Finalize design, model approval, acceptance of proposal, initial deposit.
  3. Rough Stage: Acquire materials, create scale model, schedule phases, rough shapes and dimensions.
  4. Progress: Developmental phase, form becomes evident, client reviews progress and prepares site, discussion of transport arrangements, and delivery schedule.
  5. Late Stage: Details, texture, polish, and refine features.
  6. Finish: Client final approval, schedule and coordinate destination arrangements (crane, lift equipment), and transportation.
  7. Installation: Supervised by sculptor, fit, finish, and clean.